Saturday, August 04, 2007

Monitoring Systems

Ambient air quality data may be obtained through the use of mobile or fixed sampling networks and the use of integrated samplers or continuous monitors.Decisions regarding these monitoring techniques constitude the first important steps in design a monitoring network.

Fixed VS Mobile Sampling

In fixed sampling systems , staions are permanent or at least long term instalations.In a mobile sampling network, the monitoring instuments are rotated on schedule among selected locations.
An advantage of fixed sampling is that measurements are made concurrently at all sites, providing directly comparable information, which is particularly important in determining relationship of polluting source to local air quality and in tracing dispersion of pollutants troughout area.The chif advantage of mobile sampling is that air quality measurements can be made at many sites - far more than wopuld be feasible in a fixed sampling program.

Continuous vs İntegrated Sampling

Continuous monitoring is conducted with devices that operate as both sampler and analyser.Pollutant concntrations are instantaneously displayed on a meter, continuously recorded on a chart, magnetic tape or a disk.Integrated sampling is done with devices that collect a sample over some specified time interval after which sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis.This is an olderly techniquce and limited use currently.

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