Friday, August 03, 2007

Best Available Control Technology of Air Pollution

The Federal New Source Review program requires that Best Avaible Control Technology(BACT) be appiled to major new sources and mjor modifications in attainment areas.Many local agencies also require that BACT be applied to smaller new sources of air pollution.
BACT is a technology-based standard that can be met by available technology.Typically it is specified in an air permit as a maximum emission rate or concentration that can be monitored and verified.
The EPA has adopted a " top down" methodology for determining BACT.This means that the control technology with the highest degree of pollutant reduction must be evaluated first.İf that technology meets all the criteria for feasibility,cost effectiveness ,air quality impacts and other impacts, it is determined to be BACT for the proposed new source and analysis ends.İf not, the next most effective control technology is evaluated for BACT.
As a minimum level, BACT must at least meet the emission limitations of New Source Performance Standards(NSPS).Established NSPS have already been based on a thorough technology and economic evaluation.But as control technology improves , BACT may become more stringent than NSPS.

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